Get To Know Pagonia

Dear fellow Pioneers,

thank you all for your huge support and messages since our annoucement of Pioneers of Pagonia in February.
The game is in a pre-alpha status but we can’t wait to share with you further insights, concepts and arts of the game and letting you being part of our journey to new borders.

So to speak we are starting now with the “Get to know Pagonia” series in which we show you several aspects of the game, the lore and the world of Pagonia.
Today we present you a few main protagonists of the game.
The Pagonians!

For sure there are many more pagonians with their own jobs and duties we will share with you in future posts but this is only a start.

Don’t hesitate to follow us on our Discord server ( Pioneers of Pagonia ), to chat with us and fellow Pioneers, letting us know your opinon and to see some exclusive footage there as well.
This way you also support us and contribute to the world of Pagonia.
#pioneersofpagonia #pagonia #citybuilder #gamesförderung